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9 Branding and Marketing Strategies for Cannabis Drink Manufacturers

From navigating regulatory hurdles to understanding consumer preferences, we will uncover valuable insights by Canna-preneurs that create successful campaigns and establish their presence in this thriving industry

Join us as we unlock the secrets to achieving marketing success and the full potential of cannabis-infused beverages.

As the legal landscape surrounding cannabis continues to evolve, cannabis drinks brands face unique challenges and opportunities in effectively marketing their products. In this blog, we will explore the dynamic world of cannabis drinks and delve into proven marketing strategies that can help these brands rise above the competition. 

Jason Peterson, Head of Brand & Partner, Cycling Frog CBD

 “Convincing someone to buy your product the first time is not hard. Creating the desire within them to buy it a second, third, forth… that’s the challenge. As a cannabis drink developer, I’ve enjoyed A LOT of canna bevs, but I can count on one hand how many I’ve enjoyed a second time. A cannabis drink that people actually enjoy drinking on the reg is your only chance of success in this industry. It doesn’t matter how well you market, if it doesn’t taste good, and I mean, REALLY(omitted)  good, people aren’t going to order it a second time.”

Michael, President & CEO at LoKoinfused

“Having pure intentions when connecting with your audience”

Alayna Ryan - Director of Marketing at Fully Baked Brands

“Research and due diligence; especially in an existing market. Understanding what makes your brand different and utilizing your unique selling position to differentiate, stand out from the crowd on shelves and menus. You only have a few seconds to make an impression so make sure it is clear and attractive to your audience.”

Daniel Torres, Founder & CEO at Mari y Juana Beverages Co.

“Our sure-shot branding and marketing strategy lies solely in identifying as a Mexican-American brand. From our flavor profiles, to our iconic design work in our labels and digital and printed media, we focus on tailoring our whole look and demeanor in cultural representation. Because we represent what a lot of our target demographic is already well familiar with, the brand is easily adapted in their cannabis life.”

Adam Terry, CEO at Cantrip

“Our Philosophy here is simple- there’s no better marketing than Cans in Hands.”

Lisa Hurwitz, Co-Founder & President at Happi 

“Know your point of difference. Cannabis beverages are becoming more common so the key to winning is standing out - whether that's with unique flavors, formulations or a brand that stands out on shelf / through strong packaging - just be different and have a strong POV as a brand!”

Warren Bobrow, Co-Founder, master mixologist- Klaus

“Best marketing strategy is to work with someone you could never afford to work with and make them your trusted friend and business partner.”

Ave Miller, co-founder- Uncle Arnies

“Focus on the real cannabis consumer & not the “new age idea” of the cannabis consumer. Read the data and be relentless in the streets.”

James Hunter, Founder & CEO - HighBridge Premium 

“HighBridge Premium's goal for branding is all about name recognition. We want our consumers to see the name and recognize our products’ promise of being “All Natural, All Premium, All the Time”. Our message is consistent, continuous, and focused on the most prominent feature of our product, 'Premium and Quality'.”